Leor Lab

Rafael Y. Brzezinski MD PhD student
E-mail: rafibrz5@gmail.com
Phone: +972-3-530-8481
Rafael is an MD PhD student. His research focuses on monocyte- derived extra cellular vesicles and their role in primary hypertension and hypertensive heart disease. He aims to find new therapeutic targets and potential biomarkers for patients at risk for future cardiovascular disease. He works in collaboration with Prof. Ehud Grossman’s lab.
1. Brzezinski RY, Berliner S, Shenhar-Tsarfaty S. Letter by Brzezinski et al Regarding Article, “Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes Are Associated With Generalized Microvascular Dysfunction: The Maastricht Study.” Circulation. 2017; 113:12-16.
2. Brzezinski RY, Etz-Hadar I, Grupper A, Ehrenwald M, Shapira I, Zeltser D, Berliner S, Rogowski O, Eldor R, Shenhar-Tsarfaty S. Sex Difference in the Risk for Exercise-Induced Albuminuria Correlates with Hemoglobin A1C and Abnormal Exercise ECG Test Findings. Cardiovascular Diabetology. 2017