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Leor Lab

Recent publications



  • Brzezinski RY, Ovadia-Blechman Z, Lewis N, Rabin N, Zimmer Y, Levin-Kotler L, Tepper-Shaihov O, Naftali-Shani N, Tsoref O, Grossman E, Leor J. Non-invasive thermal imaging of cardiac remodeling in mice. Biomedical Optics Express. 2019 Dec 1;10(12):6189-203.

  • Naftali-Shani N, Arad M, Kuperstein R, Amit U, Leor J. Response by Naftali-Shani et al to Letter Regarding Article,“Modeling Peripartum Cardiomyopathy With Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Reveals Distinctive Abnormal Function of Cardiomyocytes”. Circulation. 2019 May 21;139(21):e992-3.

  • Naftali-Shani N, Molotski N, Nevo-Caspi Y, Arad M, Kuperstein R, Amit U, Huber I, Zeltzer LA, Levich A, Abbas H, Monserrat L. Modeling peripartum cardiomyopathy with human induced pluripotent stem cells reveals distinctive abnormal function of cardiomyocytes. Circulation. 2018 Dec 4;138(23):2721-3.

  • Tsoref O, Tyomkin D, Amit U, Landa N, Cohen-Rosenboim O, Kain D, Golan M, Naftali-Shani N, David A, Leor J. E-selectin-targeted copolymer reduces atherosclerotic lesions, adverse cardiac remodeling, and dysfunction. Journal of controlled release. 2018 Oct 28;288:136-47.

  • Naftali-Shani N, Levin-Kotler LP, Palevski D, Amit U, Kain D, Landa N, Hochhauser E, Leor J. Left Ventricular Dysfunction Switches Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Toward an Inflammatory Phenotype and Impairs Their Reparative Properties Via Toll-Like Receptor-4. Circulation. 2017 Jun 6;135(23):2271-2287. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.116.023527. Epub 2017 Mar 29.


  • Amit U, Kain D, Wagner A, Sahu A, Nevo-Caspi Y, Gonen N, Molotski N, Konfino T, Landa N, Naftali-Shani N, Blum G, Merquiol E, Karo-Atar D, Kanfi Y, Paret G, Munitz A, Cohen HY, Ruppin E, Hannenhalli S, Leor J. New Role for Interleukin-13 Receptor α1 in Myocardial Homeostasis and Heart Failure. J Am Heart Assoc. 2017 May 20;6(5). pii: e005108. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.116.005108.


  • Ben-Mordechai T, Kain D, Holbova R, Landa N, Levin LP, Elron-Gross I, Glucksam-Galnoy Y, Feinberg MS, Margalit R, Leor J. Targeting and modulating infarct macrophages with hemin formulated in designed lipid-based particles improves cardiac remodeling and function. J Control Release. 2017 Jan 5.



  • Zager Y, Kain D, Landa N, Leor J, Maor E. Optimization of Irreversible Electroporation Protocols for In-vivo Myocardial Decellularization. PLoS One. 2016 Nov 28.



  • Kain D, Amit U, Yagil C, Landa N, Naftali-Shani N, Molotski N, Aviv V, Feinberg MS, Goitein O, Kushnir T, Konen E, Epstein FH, Yagil Y, Leor J. Macrophages dictate the progression and manifestation of hypertensive heart disease. Int J Cardiol.  2016 Jan 15.


  • Scomparin A, Salmaso S, Eldar-Boock A, Ben-Shushan D, Ferber S, Tiram G, Shmeeda H, Landa-Rouben N, Leor J, Caliceti P, Gabizon A, Satchi-Fainaro R. A comparative study of folate receptor-targeted doxorubicin delivery systems: Dosing regimens and therapeutic index. J Control Release. 2015.


  • D'Uva G, Aharonov A, Lauriola M, Kain D, Yahalom-Ronen Y, Carvalho S, Weisinger K, Bassat E, Rajchman D, Yifa O, Lysenko M, Konfino T, Hegesh J, Brenner O, Neeman M, Yarden Y, Leor J, Sarig R, Harvey RP, Tzahor E. ERBB2 triggers mammalian heart regeneration by promoting cardiomyocyte dedifferentiation and proliferation. Nat Cell Biol. 2015.


  • Konfino T, Landa N, Ben-Mordechai T and Leor J. The type of injury dictates the mode of repair in neonatal and adult heart. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2015;4:e001320.


  • Ben-Mordechai T, Palevski D, Glucksam-Galnoy Y, Elron-Gross I, Margalit R and Leor J. Targeting macrophage subsets for infarct repair. Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology and therapeutics. 2015;20:36-51.


  • Sadek HA, Martin JF, Takeuchi JK, Leor J, Nei Y, Giacca M and Lee RT. Multi-investigator letter on reproducibility of neonatal heart regeneration following apical resection. Stem cell reports. 2014;3:1.


  • Rinkevich-Shop S, Landa-Rouben N, Epstein FH, Holbova R, Feinberg MS, Goitein O, Kushnir T, Konen E and Leor J. Injectable collagen implant improves survival, cardiac remodeling, and function in the early period after myocarditis in rats. Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology and therapeutics. 2014;19:470-80.


  • Frey N, Linke A, Suselbeck T, Muller-Ehmsen J, Vermeersch P, Schoors D, Rosenberg M, Bea F, Tuvia S and Leor J. Intracoronary delivery of injectable bioabsorbable scaffold (IK-5001) to treat left ventricular remodeling after ST-elevation myocardial infarction: a first-in-man study. Circulation Cardiovascular interventions. 2014;7:806-12.


  • Rinkevich-Shop S, Konen E, Kushnir T, Epstein FH, Landa-Rouben N, Goitein O, Ben Mordechai T, Feinberg MS, Afek A and Leor J. Non-invasive assessment of experimental autoimmune myocarditis in rats using a 3 T clinical MRI scanner. European heart journal cardiovascular Imaging. 2013;14:1069-79.


  • Naftali-Shani N, Itzhaki-Alfia A, Landa-Rouben N, Kain D, Holbova R, Adutler-Lieber S, Molotski N, Asher E, Grupper A, Millet E, Tessone A, Winkler E, Kastrup J, Feinberg MS, Zipori D, Pevsner-Fischer M, Raanani E and Leor J. The origin of human mesenchymal stromal cells dictates their reparative properties. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2013;2:e000253.


  • Mina Y, Rinkevich-Shop S, Konen E, Goitein O, Kushnir T, Epstein FH, Feinberg MS, Leor J and Landa-Rouben N. Mast cell inhibition attenuates myocardial damage, adverse remodeling, and dysfunction during fulminant myocarditis in the rat. Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology and therapeutics. 2013;18:152-61.


  • Ben-Mordechai T, Holbova R, Landa-Rouben N, Harel-Adar T, Feinberg MS, Abd Elrahman I, Blum G, Epstein FH, Silman Z, Cohen S and Leor J. Macrophage subpopulations are essential for infarct repair with and without stem cell therapy. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2013;62:1890-901.


  • Adutler-Lieber S, Ben-Mordechai T, Naftali-Shani N, Asher E, Loberman D, Raanani E and Leor J. Human macrophage regulation via interaction with cardiac adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells. Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology and therapeutics. 2013;18:78-86.


  • Naresh NK, Xu Y, Klibanov AL, Vandsburger MH, Meyer CH, Leor J, Kramer CM, French BA and Epstein FH. Monocyte and/or macrophage infiltration of heart after myocardial infarction: MR imaging by using T1-shortening liposomes. Radiology. 2012;264:428-35.


  • Klempfner R, Leor J, Tenenbaum A, Fisman EZ and Goldenberg I. Effects of a vildagliptin/metformin combination on markers of atherosclerosis, thrombosis, and inflammation in diabetic patients with coronary artery disease. Cardiovascular diabetology. 2012;11:60.



Jonathan Leor Lab of Cardiovascular Research


Neufeld Cardiac Research Institute, Tel Aviv University.

Tamman Cardiovascular  Research Institute, Sheba Medical Center.
Sheba Center for Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cells, and Tissue Engineering.

Tel-Hashomer, 52621, Israel,


Tel: 972-3-530-2614



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