Leor Lab

Tal Konfino PhD Researcher and MD intern
E-mail: tkonfi@gmail.com
Phone: +972-3-530-8410
Tal is a PhD researcher and MD intern. Her research is focused on using innovative models to explore the mechanisms underlining regeneration in murine neonatal hearts.
1. Konfino T, Landa N, Ben-Mordechai T, Leor J. The type of injury dictates the mode of repair in neonatal and adult heart. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2015;4:e001320
2. Leor J, Palevski D, Amit U, Konfino T. Macrophages and regeneration: Lessons from the heart. Seminars in cell & developmental biology. 2016;58:26-33
3. Amit U, Kain D, Wagner A, Sahu A, Nevo-Caspi Y, Gonen N, Molotski N, Konfino T, Landa N, Naftali-Shani N, Blum G, Merquiol E, Karo-Atar D, Kanfi Y, Paret G, Munitz A, Cohen HY, Ruppin E, Hannenhalli S, Leor J. New role for interleukin-13 receptor alpha1 in myocardial homeostasis and heart failure. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2017;6
4. Palevski D, Levin-Kotler LP, Kain D, Naftali-Shani N, Landa N, Ben-Mordechai T, Konfino T, Holbova R, Molotski N, Rosin-Arbesfeld R, Lang RA, Leor J. Loss of macrophage wnt secretion improves remodeling and function after myocardial infarction in mice. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2017;6
5. D'Uva G, Aharonov A, Lauriola M, Kain D, Yahalom-Ronen Y, Carvalho S, Weisinger K, Bassat E, Rajchman D, Yifa O, Lysenko M, Konfino T, Hegesh J, Brenner O, Neeman M, Yarden Y, Leor J, Sarig R, Harvey RP, Tzahor E. Erbb2 triggers mammalian heart regeneration by promoting cardiomyocyte dedifferentiation and proliferation. Nature cell biology. 2015;17:627-638